Domestic cleaning chronicles

The 4 Most Commonly Missed Spots When Cleaning Medical Facilities

by Grace Dunn

Is your hospital or clinic truly clean? No matter how well you clean floors, counters, and equipment, no medical facility is clean enough until every bacteria-harbouring surface has been wiped down and disinfected. Unfortunately, many hospital and clinic janitorial teams are working on a tight schedule, which means many important spots get overlooked during cleaning.  

Here are four of the most commonly missed spots that may need to be cleaned in your medical facility. 

1. Light switches  

Light switches are one of the most frequently touched spots in any community building, and medical facilities are no exception. Every day, doctors, nurses, patients, and visitors alike switch lights on and off in hospitals and clinics. This makes the switches a prime location for the spread of germs and bacteria. 

Of course, given how visually insignificant they are, it's no surprise that most forget to clean them. A regular wipe-down with disinfectant will do most of the work, along with occasional deep cleaning of any crevices around the switch. 

2. Air vents 

Air vents are another commonly missed spot during medical facility cleaning. While they may not be touched frequently like light switches, they do collect large amounts of dust, dirt, and other particles that can affect the air quality in the building. Cleaning air vents is crucial in medical facilities, as many of your patients may have compromised immune systems, weakened respiratory systems, or other vulnerabilities to airborne illnesses.

Despite the importance of clean air vents, they are often overlooked during routine cleaning because they can be difficult to access and tackle. That's why it's important to use a cleaning service with the right specialised experience, equipment, and know-how.

3. Bed rails 

Patients in medical facilities spend a lot of time in their beds, and they touch the bed rails frequently to stabilise themselves or get up and down. Many visitors touch these bed rails too during open hours. This can very quickly result in the accumulation of germs, which patients and visitors may then spread around the hospital or clinic. 

While you likely change bed sheets often, you probably don't clean the bed rails as frequently as you should. Ideally every day, bed rails should be wiped down with disinfectant, with a particular focus on the most-touched sections.

4. Waiting room chairs 

Patients and visitors come and go in clinics and hospitals, and every time they frequent the waiting room, they're leaving bacteria behind. If any of this bacteria is hazardous to health, it won't take long for it to spread to anyone else arriving at or leaving the medical facility.

Unfortunately, many don't realise how much attention waiting room chairs need during cleaning. Seats and armrests need to be thoroughly cleaned, particularly when upholstered with non-waterproof fabrics that trap bacteria. 

Contact medical cleaning services to learn more. 
